Icons written by Father Abdo Badawi
350 Martyrs
Angels at Tomb
Announcement to Zechariah
Announcement to Mary
Coming to the Harbor
The Ascension
Assumption-Dormition of Mary
Bartimeaus the Blind
Birth of John the Baptist
Birth of Our Lady
Birth of our Lord
Blessed Virgin
Burial of Christ
Cana Sunday
Christ the King
Circumcision of Jesus
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
Commemoration of the Priests
Commemoration of the Righteous and the Just
Elias the Prophet
Finding Jesus in the Temple
Five Wise Virgins
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Genealogy Sunday
Glorious Epiphany
Crucifixion of Jesus
Healing of the Blind Man
Healing of the Hemorrhaging Woman
Healing of the Leper
Healing of the Paralytic
Exaltation of the Cross
Jesus Christ Pentocrator
Jesus Among the Elders
Jesus Placed in the Tomb
Last Supper
Lazarus Sunday
Mary and Elizabeth
Mary Mother of God
Mary Mother of God
Mar Elias
Mar Ephrem
Mar Nohra - Lucius
Massabki Brothers
New Sunday
Hosanna Sunday
Presentation in the Temple
Renewal and Consecration of the Church
Resurrection of Our Lord
Revelation to Joseph
Saints Peter and Paul
Saints Marana, Kyra, and Domnina
St Simon the Stylite
Saints Cyprian and Justin
St Abda (Abdon)
St. Aquilina of Jbeil
St. Barthelemy
St. Charbel
St. Ephrem
St. Ephrem
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Gabriel the Archangel
St. George
St. James Brother of Our Lord
St. John Maron
St. John Maron
St. Joseph
St. Jude Thaddeus
St. Marc
St. Marina Num of Qannubin
St. Maron
St. Matthias
St. Michael the Archangel
St Nohra (Lucius)
St. Rafqa
St. Serge and Bacchus
St. Sesinus
St. Shmouni and her Sons
St. Sophia
St. Stephen
St. Thomas
St. Vincent de Paul
Healing of the Ten Lepers
The Four Evangelists
The Last Supper
The Prodigal Son
The Raising of Lazarus
The Transfiguration
Trinity Sunday