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Our Mission:

We strive to live and teach the Catholic Faith

through the Traditions of the Maronite Catholic Church.


PLANTING THE SEEDS for St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church began when our ancestors emigrated from Lebanon to Waterville in the early 1900's seeking work, religious freedom and a better life for their families.


Nourished by its ROOTS in faith, St. Joseph parish is steeped in ancient traditions dating back to the time of Christ. St. Joseph's stands tall and proud as the only Maronite Catholic Church in Maine.


By BRANCHING out, St. Joseph's has played an important role in God's vision for our community and continues to grow. This endeavor has attracted new parishioners who enrich our church with active participation, their heritage and their generosity. St. Joseph's is honored to have them as part of our parish.


GROWTH AND SUSTAINABILITY are our goals. Those of us who had the privilege

to begin life's journey at St. Joseph's and our new parishioners are provided with faith, unwavering love and a strong sense of family. These essential ingredients help us all to flourish.


The establishment of the St. Joseph Endowment Fund is one of the ingredients that will sustain our mission and ensure that St. Joseph's is here for many generations. To become a reality, this fund will need the support of all parishioners and friends.


St. Joseph's and the Maronite faith took root in Waterville almost 90 years ago and it's roots are solid and its branches are growing strong today. St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church is a testament honoring the determination and sacrifices of our ancestors.


Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute to this endowment fund and the future of our parish. A pledge form can be printed out and returned to the parish at your convenience. If you would like further information about the endowment fund, click here.



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