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This Maronite Music website is provided by the Maronite Inter-Eparchial Music Commission as an official resource for the Maronite Catholic Church. The Maronite Inter-Eparchial Music Commission was established in March 2008 by the four Maronite Bishops of the English speaking eparchies (dioceses). 

 Download the liturgical texts for feast days


Hosanna Sunday

Hosanna Sunday

Coming to the Harbor

Arrival to the Harbour

Rite of the Lamp


Rite of the Lamp 1

2021 version

Thursday of the Mysteries

(Washing of the Feet)

The Lords Supper

Great Friday of the Crucifixion

(Signing of the Chalice)

Life Giving Spring



Great Friday of the Crucifixion

(Adoration of the Cross)

Crucifixion of Christ


Saturday of Light

(Prayer of Forgiveness)Renewal and  Consecration of the Church


Resurrection Sunday



 Rite of the Holy CrossHoly Cross triumph

Exaltation of the Holy CrossHoly Cross triumph


 All rituals from feast days compiled into one PDF



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